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Noun Cats

Noun Cats

Noun Cats

Noun Cats

Noun Cats is two 5,000 piece collections:

(and The Early Birbs too)

Noun Cat
Noun Cat
Noun Cat

Meet The Invisibles!

Half of The Noun Cats collection is called The Invisibles. They're 5,000 Nounish friends that are dressed to impress but they're missing their bodies! They're looking for their Nounterparts.

Noun Cat
Noun Cat
Noun Cat

Meet The Cats!

The other half of The Noun Cats collection are The Cats. They're 5,000 cats rocking the same kind of clothes as The Invisibles. Grab your Invisible and collect them all!

Noun Cat
Noun Cat
Noun Cat

The Early Birbs - Our Community-Created Collection

We've never seen this done in the NFT space before!

We teamed up with our own community to create traits and brainstorm ideas for what should be in The Early Birbs collection...then we brought it to life!

Noun Cats' co-founder Dean Harvey taught pixel art classes and we all got to work.

Alongside our community, we also worked with legendary artists in the Nouns community to produce incredibly fun traits and 31 1/1s you've just got to see.

We hope you enjoy the Birbs as much as we've enjoyed making them together.


The Team

The team behind Noun Cats brings over two decades of web and mobile development to the project, having worked with some of the biggest names and startups. Their projects and work have been used by millions of people in tech, crypto, streetwear, and more. Dean's photography and pixel art has been exhibited around the world as well!

  • Back­seatsCo-Founder & Developer
    Punk 424
  • Dean Har­veyCo-Founder & Artist
    Noun Cat
  • Plaid Sha­manUI/UX + Web Dev
    Coolman #8078

Noun Cats are CC0!

Noun Cats are licensed under the CC0 license which means that they are in the public domain. You're free to use them however you like: remix everything! Pull them off their backgrounds and put them in memes, use them as-is or edit them and make them your profile picture, turn them into 3D Noun Cats...the only limit is your imagination and creativity!

Noun Cat
Noun Cat
Noun Cat
Noun Cats
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